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基礎(chǔ)信息Product information


產(chǎn)品型號:METACUT 351



法國科密特KEMET品牌,METKON切割機(jī),METACUT 251 濕式手動切割機(jī),METACUT 351 濕式手動切割機(jī)

產(chǎn)品特性Product characteristics

METKON切割機(jī)METKON chop cutting machines METACUT 251 and  METACUT 351 are  designed  for wet cutting of large and small, regularly or irregularly shaped  workpieces  of  metalic, ceramic or composite materials. METACUT 251 is a table top high quality cutting machine suitable for 250 and 300 mm. cut off wheels. METACUT 251 has the capacity to cut solid sections up to 115 mm in diameter.  METACUT 351 uses 350 mm. cut off wheels and its cutting capacity is 130 mm. The side access  port  permits  the sectioning of extra-long workpieces, as well.

METKON切割機(jī)METACUT 251 濕式手動切割機(jī)
電子制動系統(tǒng), 切割能力:Φ90mm/110 mm, 砂輪片: Φ250/300 mm
5L Metcool冷卻液
Abrasive Cutting Machine Microprocessor controlled, front panel with touch-pad controls, compact powerful 3 kW motor, electronic brake system, cutting capacity up to 90/115 mm solid stock, for cut-off wheels upto ø250/300 mm, twin T-slotted  clamping table 255x250  mm made of  stainless steel, bottom part as rugged alloy base casting, ABS protective hood, 60 lt. recirculating cooling unit with  connection hoses and ready for operation. Without clamping devices.

Includes a standard set of cutting consumables composed of;  
1 pack of medium type 10 cut-off wheels 250 mm dia.
1 pack of medium type 10 cut-off wheels 300 mm dia.
5 lt of Metcool cooling fluid.

Order No    10 05
Cutting Capacity, ø (mm)    90 / 115
Cutting Capacity, # (mm)    50x165 (ø250)
50x195 (ø300)
Wheel Diameter, (mm)    250 / 300
Chop Cutting    Manual
Cutting Power, (kW)    3 / 4,6
Wheel Speed, rpm    2800
T-Slot table dimension, mm (D)    255 x 250 
T-Slot, mm    12
Cooling Unit, (lt)    60
Model Type    Table top/ cabinet(Opt.)
Lighting    LED
Size, DxH, (cm)    58 x 68 x 49
Weight, (kgs)    132

METACUT 351 濕式手動切割機(jī)
切割能力:Φ130 mm, 砂輪直徑: Φ350 mm 
特大 切割臺602x366mm
5L Metcool冷卻液

Abrasive Cutting Machine, Microprocessor controlled, front panel with touch-pad controls, compact powerful 5,5 kW motor, electronic brake system, cutting capacity up to 130mm solid stock, for cut-off wheels upto ø350 mm, extra-large T-slotted clamping table 590x360 mm. made of stainless steel, bottom part as rugged alloy base casting, 100 lt. recirculating cooling unit with connection hoses and ready for operation.

Includes a standard set of cutting consumables composed of; 
An assortement of 20 cut-off wheels with 350 mm dia.
5 lt of Metcool cooling fluid.

Order Code    12 05
Model    Metacut 351
Cutting Power kW (S1)    5,5
Cutting Power kW (S3)    7,9
Wheel Speed, rpm    2200
Operation    Manual
Wheel Diameter, (mm)    ø350
Cutting Capacity, ø (mm)    ø130
Cutting Capacity, # (mm)    84x236
T-Slot table dimension, mm (D)    590x360
T-Slot dimension, (mm)    12
Size, DxH, (cm)    68x81x62
Weight, (kgs)    165
Cooling Unit, (lt)    100


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上一篇:Metkon MICRACUT 201精密切割機(jī)


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